For Roncari Piero, it all started 70 years ago with a thread…

Tradition, Creativity and Innovation are our core values, and we truly reflect the mantra of: MADE IN ITALY

We enhance the uniqueness of each accessory

In addition to our exceptional collections, we offer the possibility to develop and customise items and bespoke yarns according to the needs of our most exclusive clientele.

Get inspired

Style is defined by the accessory, and our trimmings are a range of fringes, soutaches, spikelets and bows that can be used to enrich and enhance clothing or furnishings, creating an accessory that always makes the difference.

Refinement of yarns

We use natural, recycled, ecological, synthetic and artificial fibres of highest quality that guarantee homogeneity in the dyeing.
An eye for fashion and a clear ability to respond to the changing tastes of the market are our strength.

Over 8,000 articles

The items in our collections can be manufactured in all these materials. For each, we offer a wide range of choice of colour charts.
On request we can also use the exclusive yarns of our customers and create ad hoc articles

Our customers

For decades we have been supplying the best haberdashery wholesalers throughout Italy and abroad, whilst also supplying the fashion sector, from clothing to bijoux, at an international level. Our machinery is state-of-the-art (crochet looms, braiding machines, circular-needle machines and beading machines) and allow us to produce an unsurpassed and exceptional range of techniques.

Milano unica: produttori made in Italy Nel mondo

29 Gennaio 2025

Roncari Piero: parteciperemo nuovamente alla prestigiosa fiera internazionale Milano Unica - Moda In, Tessuto e Accessori, uno degli eventi di maggiore rilievo nel settore della moda e del tessile a livello. Grazie al sostegno del Programma Regionale PR FESR 2021-2027 di Regione Lombardia, avremo l'opportunità di presentare le nuove collezioni Made in Italy mostrando i nostri prodotti e soluzioni innovative a un pubblico globale di professionisti del settore.

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